What Gamblers Look for in an Online Slot?

Online slots are, easily, the most popular games at any online casino. For good reason too, as these games are simple, easy to get into, require little-to-no strategy, and most importantly, are imminently fun. However, there is no denying that some online slots are better than others. In this article, we’d like to explore what it is that gamblers want to see when they choose their online slot.

Good RTP and Volatility

Return to player (RTP) and volatility are two terms that every gambler has to know. This goes double for people who play online slots exclusively. To put it plainly, the RTP is the percentage of all of the wagered money that the slot will pay back over time. Remember, it is referring to all of the money wagered over time, not for specifically one person. So, just because the RTP is 97%, doesn’t mean that an individual gambler has a 97% chance to win.

Volatility, or often written as variance, is the likelihood that an online slot will hit a winning pay line. Usually, pokie websites like the Christchurch Casino NZ site try to include slots with varied levels of volatility. The reason being is that some gamblers actually prefer high-volatility slots, because they enjoy the high-risk/high-reward dynamic. However, if you are a newbie, we’d recommend you look for high RTP and low volatility slots, as that is definitely the best place to start.

Fun Themes

Let’s be honest, online slots can get a little same-y. Not that this is a bad thing. Quite the opposite, it is exactly why slots fans enjoy these games. But, at the end of the day, there is no point in switching a game, if it is the same as the one that came before. This is where fun slot themes come in. These themes give games personality and individuality, and make sure that they don’t remain stagnant.

The most popular themes at online slots tend to be historical, fiction-based, or based on different cultures around the world. For example, slots inspired by the history and aesthetics of China are incredibly popular. There is also a pretty big rise in the popularity of western-themed slots. Films about cowboys and lawmen were huge once, and the genre is making a comeback, especially in video games.

Mobile Compatibility

Smartphones are, in all honesty, a technological marvel. They are miniature computers, for all intents and purposes. With mobile data developing and reaching new heights, it is no surprise that mobile gambling is also on the rise. That is why, a lot of gamblers in 2024, are interested in mobile compatibility for their online slots.

Mobile compatibility is exactly what it sounds like. Some developers have had the foresight to create slots that you can access on your smartphone. Whether they’ve made APK applications, or whether they’ve simply designed the slot game with a desktop and mobile interface is irrelevant. The point is that these games can be reached on both PC and smartphone.